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ITDS at the House of Happy Rebels Festival 2022

21 09

ITDS at the House of Happy Rebels Festival 2022

group-767-2 Author: ITDS

On 9 and 10 September we participated in the House of Happy Rebels Festival organised in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) by House of HR for all of the companies which are part of the group.

Over 3300 people took part in this one-of-its-kind, private event, including 55 employees of the Polish and Portuguese ITDS offices. We returned inspired and charged with fantastic energy. We are already looking forward to the next year edition! The memories of a great time spent among amazing people and extraordinary artists such as Bob Sinclar or Martin Solveig will stay with us for a long time!

Check out our gallery from the event: (photos by Vincent Gorissen Fotografie)