Anna Szczerbak – 5th anniversary at ITDS

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Anna Szczerbak – 5th anniversary at ITDS

group-767 Author: ITDS

Anna Szczerbak, Executive Director, recently celebrated her 5th anniversary at ITDS! Her outstanding commitment to growing our firm, experience and vast knowledge of the IT market have been evident at every step of this journey! ?

How does Anna sum up her 5-year adventure at ITDS? ↩️

My growth in ITDS has been a steady supply of great energy and value since 2017 – an exciting journey from a Business Manager to a Member of the Management Team. I have worked on a variety of projects and developed new Clients for ITDS, ranging from the largest banks and e-commerce institutions to highly innovative start-ups. I’m overjoyed to see that I can grow ITDS, a company where the atmosphere and work culture remain as they have been since the beginning, where every employee and consultant is supported and where careers can be developed. This is only the first five years, and I can’t wait to see the enormity of our success after the first decade and onwards.

Anna, thank you for your enormous contribution to the development of ITDS! We are proud that you have been with us for so many years and we’re equally excited to see what the future will bring!