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What kind of activities can you outsource to third-party IT engineers?

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What kind of activities can you outsource to third-party IT engineers?

logo-kwadrat-2 Author: ITDS

Outsourcing of IT engineers is the answer to the challenges associated with 21st century recruitment, offering a high level of convenience to any company that chooses to adopt this solution. There are many reasons for using this model of cooperation, including the short time needed to find key experts, the savings in time and resources, or the full support in matching the right candidates to a project. The icing on the cake, however, is the extensive range of tasks and activities that can be outsourced to third-party IT engineers. What do they include?

The last few years have been marked by rapid digitalisation. This includes remote and hybrid work modes, accelerated digital transformation, the development of digital products and services, the advancement of cyber security and the use of emerging technologies that are driving the growth of businesses around the world. According to Gartner, IT investment will grow globally by 8.6% to USD 5.04 trillion in 2024. What is interesting, however, are the trends predicted for the coming year.


The end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 – no surprises

The trends that have emerged in recent years include not only blockchain, the advent of cryptocurrencies, IoT or IIoT. What is most noteworthy,  is the rise of artificial intelligence, which, according to Forbes, will become one of the dominant trends in 2024, along with VR or AR technology. This is something my colleague discussed in more detail in the article: What are the IT trends for the coming months of 2023/2024? 

Over the next year, we can expect further development of:

  • BIM; 
  • Digital twins; 
  • Quantum computers;
  • New programming languages; 
  • Dynamic cloud computing; 
  • Building a new level of corporate security using Zero Trust architecture; 
  • New privacy policies and new regulations. 

Labour shortage in the Polish IT sector: a challenge for growing companies

For companies that want to grow in line with trends, it can be challenging to find qualified team members, yet attracting new talent is crucial. There are about 586,000 IT professionals employed in Poland, with more than 192,000 having entered the market over the last decade. According to the report “How many IT professionals is Poland short of?” published by the Polish Economic Institute, 147,000 IT professionals are currently needed in the market for their share to be similar as that in the whole European Union. As a result, as many as 20% of the companies surveyed reported that they had to reject projects because of staffing shortages. Businesses also indicated that around 16% of workers were underqualified. Consequently, 64% of those surveyed hired fewer employees than originally planned.

Outsourcing of IT engineers as a solution to staff shortage

Unfortunately, experts are increasingly skipping job offers that are not tailored to their needs. They are looking for interesting projects that would look good in their CV, as well as outstanding working conditions. Attracting qualified employees with extensive experience and the right attitude requiresattituderequires some experience in recruitment. According to the Hays report Labour Market 2023: A six-month overview of trends, as many as 87% of companies expect to be recruiting in the last quarter of 2023. The main reason, however, is not business growth, but the need to replace employees who have decided to leave.

Workers, on the other hand, are optimistic about the future and are not afraid of change, taking advantage of job offers from all over the world. This is why it makes sense to outsource IT engineers and use the services of third-party experts for even the most demanding tasks.

Become our client

What kind of activities can you outsource to third-party IT engineers? 

Any time a company aims to develop new products or perform software integration, it faces the challenge of building the right team. At ITDS, we provide access to dedicated specialists and support with professional project management, product development or IT systems integration. So what kind of tasks can you outsource to third-party IT engineers?

  • Product development:
  • Developing new or existing products.
  • Managing the product development process.
  • Software development:
  • Developing applications or add-ons to existing software.
  • Updating and maintaining existing software.
  • Testing and maintaining software quality.
  • IT infrastructure:
  • Computer network management.
  • Server configuration, maintenance and monitoring.
  • Database management.
  • IT security:
  • Risk assessment and security audits.
  • Implementing anti-malware solutions and employee training.
  • Monitoring and responding to security incidents.
  • Technical support:
  • End-user support, including help desk.
  • Technical troubleshooting.
  • System updates and patches.
  • Website and web application development:
  • Website design, development and maintenance.
  • Web application development.
  • Optimising performance and security of websites and web applications.
  • Data analysis:
  • Processing and analysing business data.
  • Modelling and forecasting.
  • Cloud computing:
  • Cloud migration.
  • Configuration and management of cloud services.
  • System integration:
  • Integrating different systems and applications to ensure smooth business operations.

We have many years of experience in sourcing IT talents, including programmers that work with top technologies, Business and Systems Analysts, DevOps specialists, Cloud Engineers, cybersecurity experts, Project Managers, Scrum Masters, and IT Architects.

Perfectly matched experts? The secret path to success

We know that the challenges faced by companies that actively pursue growth are very much like dominoes. That is why, when it comes to human resources, taking advantage of the opportunity to hire employees from all over the world, IT nearshoring and offshoring is a forward-thinking approach that ensures the flexibility of your organisation. 

Plus, an outsourcing company will take full ownership of the process of preparing job offers and sourcing your contractors employee through an extensive recruitment process, allowing you to fully focus on your company’s business goals. This is exactly the level of convenience that ITDS offers with its IT outsourcing services. And after all, the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 is the perfect time for change!