
poland Poland

portugal Portugal

netherlands Netherlands

Manual Tester

  • Remote
  • English
  • Banking
  • Expert/Regular/Senior
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Come Join a Full-Service Custom Solutions Firm Based in NYC, That Partners With The World’s Leading Financial Institutions

Full Remote, Poland

As a Manual Tester you will help in the building of robust financial applications for some of the worlds leading financial institutions, that improve business performance while reducing system risk, cost and time to market. The firm offers a wide range of services – from ‘tip of the spear’ advisory, application design, system architecture to implementation, testing and

Your main responsibilities: Analyze business requirements and specification documents to develop and document test cases

  • Analyze data requirements for end-to-end test validations that span multiple application components.
  • Manually execute existing test cases (e.g., regression test suite).
  • Perform exploratory/ad hoc testing, whenever applicable.
  • Proactive reporting of manual testing progress, status, and results.
  • Collaborate with globally distributed subject matter experts

You’re ideal for this role if you have:

  • At least 5 years of manual testing experience
  • Experience in both test case development and execution
  • Experience in front-end and back-end testing, experience in testing enterprise software products.
  • Ability to work in a high-paced environment, follow tight deadlines, organize and prioritize work
  • General understanding of how applications are built under the hood
  • High-level understanding of the requirement, code, and test life cycles
  • Ability to efficiently use Jira and Confluence
  • Strong analytical skills, precision, and attention to detail
  • Good written and spoken English communication skills
  • Ability to work in a team and independently.

It is a strong plus if you have:

  • Any capital markets industry knowledge specifically on the investment management process
  • Experience in testing highly configurable, complex architecture, multi-component platforms
  • Interest in leveraging Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools such as UIPath

#GETREADY  to meet with us!

We would like to meet you. If you are interested please apply and attach your CV in English or Polish, including a statement that you agree to our processing and storing of your personal data. You can always also apply by sending us an email at

Internal number #6310


Access to +100 projects
Access to Healthcare
Access to Multisport
Training platforms
Access to Pluralsight
Make your CV shine
B2B or Permanent Contract
Flexible & remote work
Flexible hours and remote work

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    Naruszenia można zgłaszać zgodnie z Procedurą Sygnalizowania Nieprawidłowości ITDS, dostępną pod linkiem.